Its been one week since Ive been in Kathmandu and there is so much to say and such little time to say it with the limited electricity and infrequent internet connection!
I didnt really know what to expect, but I can say Kathmandu is a disorderly, chaotic, functioning jungle! As my dad pointed out, the traffic is worse than India, but for some reason it works. People are driving, walking, biking in every direction and going through every possible gap to be that much closer to their destination and some how these people remain calm! I have yet to see,hear one argument, raised voice or angry tone. Nepalese are very calm, easy going, and non aggressive people, which is a huge change from NY. I was just getting a good grasp on being aggressive and assertive and now Im losing it! With the time that my dad and uncle were here, we were able to venture throughout this city and Kathmandu valley. Kathmandu is a loud, dirty, overpopulated city, but right outside there are green rolling hills, rows of mustard seed plants, all shades of colors throughout the houses, agriculture and clothing. It is absolutely beautiful here. Among all the touring we did among the temples, villages and nearby towns, my favorite was our morning flight over the Himalayas.
Though our first 8am flight was canceled due to bad weather, we managed to fly out the following morning after chasing down and paying way too much for a taxi(they were very limited since there was a protest that day that shut down the entire city) and only having a 3 hour delay! Being able to see Everest and some of the other tallest mountains in the world, was absolutely amazing. It is the most spectacular thing I have ever seen in my life. I understand why people live to climb to this other world.

(photo from the flight..Everest is in the way back)
Since my dad and uncle returned to the States last night, I had my first official day here, alone! I went to the college in the morning and tomorrow morning I will be going to work at the NGO, Shakti Samuha! Im sure this organization doesnt ring a bell for anyone, but I have been trying to get in contact with them for months from the states without any success! As simple as a phone call, the field work advisor at the school managed to reach them and arrange my work.
Shakti Samuha is an organization that takes in trafficked victims and prepares them for reintegration. They provide housing for these victims while they are being educated on the trafficking industry and their own rights, as well as learning various vocational skills so they can have alternatives to providing for their families when they return home.
Hopefully Ill be more frequent with my posts and include more photos, but Nepal has something called 'load shedding,' which is for 11 random hours throughout the day. There are are set times when you have electricity, and for the most part they are not the most convenient hours. Even though some people have generators, they are not always on and if they are only allow for so much wattage to be in use at a time. So my access to the internet is quite limited as well!
Its been interesting getting used to, like trying on clothes in the dark!, taking a shower in the pitch black, etc! but all I can do now is laugh and truly appreciate the feasibility of electricity back in the States!